Scripting 3D in Flash
      by senocular

Zooming Figures
Here there are 3 movieclips, all human figures, being moved back and forth in 3D space being scaled and transposed according to their positions in that space. This scaling and movement is based on their respective z values assigned to each figure's movieclip in actionscript.

[ static view with moving figures ]

Steps to Create Animation

  1. The first step is, probably obviously, the imagery. Simply draw out or import whatever shapes you wish to have move within the 3D space. In this example, I drew out an outline of a figure and gave it a linear gradient fill. With that as a movieclip, I put 3 on the screen and gave each a name (figureA, figureB and figureC). The grid is nothing more than some lines I eye-balled and drew myself to make seems as if they were 3D. They are simply to give the appearance that there is a ground for the figures to move on. It will have nothing to do with the future 3D calculations.


  1. Next we start cranking out some code. First, some variables need to be set up. The first two variables that are going to be defined are the origin or offset and the focal length of the perspective view. The offset is to make sure everything being placed in 3D is set in the center of the screen. Without it, because the 3D calculations are based around the point 0,0, the imagery would be thrown up in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. The origin is an object with x and y values to allow that shift of the imagery to the center of the screen.
    The focal length is a variable that sets, as it implies, the focal length of view which determines how much perspective is seen for any given position in space. The larger the focal length, the less things seem to distort in any span within a distance along z. The value 300 is pretty average, so that will be used here.

  1. Now variables can be defined for each figure to represent their position in 3D space. This will require x, y and z properties - one for each axis of movement/positioning. These values will determine its "real" position as we know it. They are then used with the focal length to determine how to represent each figure on the screen visually as it should appear on a 2D screen though it's technically in 3D - at least as far as we are concerned. We'll give each a slightly different x and z position so that they are staggered in the space.
    Along with the x, y and z, another variable, dir, will be defined for each figure. This represents the direction of each figure as it moves in the screen. Each figure is either moving forward or backward based on the value of this variable dir. One more variable, speed, will be added to determine how fast the movement of each figure is in the scene. Mind you these variables dir and speed are not associated with the 3D aspect as much as they are just methods of controlling movement in the 3D space.

  1. A function must now be created to handle the onEnterFrame event of the figures as they are moved within the 3D space. This will do two things. One, it will move each figure back and forth along the z axis using speed and the dir variable of each figure and two, it will calculate the needed scaling, positioning and transpositioning for each figure so that it appears to be in 3D on the 2D screen. Now, this function operates for one figure at a time, so each figure would need to have this function defined for it to be moved and scaled etc. First it is written as a normal function and then set for each figure's onEnterFrame event so that it won't need to be re-written for each. All three figures will use that same function for their enterFrame. And that function is as follows:

The first portion of the function just moves a figure's z value using speed and the dir variables. Following that, starting with the definition of scaleRatio is where the 3D starts to come into play.
The scaleRatio variable is derived from the figure's current z value and the focal length using the perspective formula. This is then used to correctly move and scale the figure for it's appearance on the 2D screen. Position (_x and _y) is based around the origin's position along with scaled x and y values for that figure and size (_xscale and _yscale) is based on 100% times the value of scaleRatio. With that, you have a correctly positioned and scaled clip on your 2D screen that appears to be in 3D.
The only remaining code is the swapDepths. As mentioned before, the swapDepths is based on z. Setting the depth of the figure to a negative z value assures that if its closer to view its on top of other figures in the scene.

  1. The last step is setting that backAndForth function to be the onEnterFrame event functions for each of the figures so that each figured is positioned and scaled accordingly every frame.

And that's about it. The whole idea is to have your own values for 3D positioning in x, y and z and use the scaleRatio (based on the focalLength variable) to determine the actual _x and _y positions on the screen so that on the screen, in 2D, they appear to be in 3D.

There are numerous pages and many more examples for you to go through, so feel free to take a quick break and proceed to the other tutorials.


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