Draw using the InkCanvas - Page 6
       by kirupa  |  10 February 2008

In the previous page, you learned how to save and load your ink strokes. In that process, you learned a little bit about how files are actually written to disk. In this, the last page of this tutorial, let's look at how to scale the ink strokes when the parent ink canvas gets resized.

Resizing your Ink Canvas Contents
You may be wondering why I am covering this topic. Resizing is one of those easy things WPF allows you take for gratnted. The reason I am covering this is that the contents of your InkCanvas, the ink strokes, are stored using fixed pixel values. If you were to resize the parent container (such as your Window) that is hosting your InkCanvas control, any ink strokes displayed will not rescale automatically like the contents of any other control.

Let's say I have my application that looks like this:

[ my application at its default size ]

If I resize the above application, notice what happens:


[ why simple resizing doesn't work - notice the cropping ]

My window's size became smaller, but my ink strokes are now clipped. That is because, like I mentioned earlier, your ink strokes are stored in absolute pixel values. Even though you are resizing the window, the actual positions of your ink strokes do not change.

Viewbox to the Rescue
The solution is to force a rescaling of your control as opposed to a resizing when the parent container is resized. You can do that with some difficulty programmatically, but fortunately, WPF ships with a default layout control that does this automatically for you. This gallant (almost knightly!) control is called the Viewbox.

The Viewbox, like a few other layout controls such as Border, can only store one child element. That's not why I like it though. Viewbox's claim to fame is its ability to scale its one child control to fit inside its boundaries. In my above application, let's say I change my LayoutRoot from the default Grid to Viewbox:


[ change your parent layout control into a Viewbox ]

If I run the above application again, notice what happens when I resize my window after loading up the above strokes:


[ my resized window with a rescaled ink canvas ]

This time, instead of my ink strokes getting clipped, they are scaled to fit inside the new size.

Scaling vs. Resizing
The best way I can think to explain the differences between scaling and resizing is to think about trying to make a piece of paper look smaller. With resizing, you are using scissors and cutting down your piece of paper till it is the right size. With scaling, you are simply compressing everything to make it look like your piece of paper is smaller.

That is pretty much how scaling and resizing works in WPF. When you resize, you are adjusting the actual width and height of your object. Think of virtual scissors. When scaling, you retain your object's width and height. What you do instead is, simulate a compression effect via the ScaleTransform properties where each pixel mapping to your screen seems either smaller or larger depending on whether you are scaling up or scaling down.

You really don't have to think about these differences in WPF. In fact, you will rarely scale the size of an object. Only for the rare control like InkCanvas (or InkPresenter) does hard-coded position information play a role. Almost all of your other controls have layout logic built into them to ensure they work properly even if their parent container is resized.

In cases where what I mentioned in the preceding sentence does not hold, you can always use your Viewbox control instead.

Wrapping Up
In the previous five pages, you learned how to make the most out of the ink canvas control in your application. The customizations I described were basically disjointed pieces of code. Individually they all make sense, but when you put them together, there are certainly things that you will need to handle better.

Instead of explaining how to take care of integrating many of the things you learned, I created a small app that covers most of the preceding tips and tricks in a more cohesive way, and I posted the source files on my post in the Expression Blend and Design blog.

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

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