Using Value Converters - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  29 July 2007

In the previous page, you created the value converter by adding some code to your StringToBrush.cs file. In this page, you'll learn how to use our value converter with our data binding.

Using Our New Value Converter
Right now, we have created our value converter, but we haven't actually used it yet. To use it, go back to Blend and select your window. If you recall, you data bound the window's Background property to the value displayed in your combobox. What we want to do is modify that data binding.

Find your window's Background property under the Brushes panel, and (like before) click on the Advanced property options box to the right of the Background property. From the Background menu that appears, select the Data Binding item:

[ select the all-too-familiar Data Binding menu item ]

After selecting the Data Binding menu item, you will see the Create Data Binding window appear. This all should be familiar territory for you. What may not be familiar is what we are going to do next. From this Create Data Binding window, look towards the bottom where you see a light-gray horizontal strip with a down arrow displayed:

[ you can see the narrow gray strip where my mouse cursor is ]

Once you have found that thin horizontal strip, click on it to show the advanced properties associated with our data binding. From your newly expanded advanced properties area, find the drop-down menu labeled Value converter:

[ find the Value converter area from your newly expanded Advanced Properties ]

From this Value converter region, click on the ... button found to the right of the No value converter combobox. That oddly named button is actually responsible for allowing you to add a new value converter. Once you have clicked on that button, the Add Value Converter window will appear.

From that window, select your StringToBrush converter nested inside your KulerBackground node:

[ select your StringToBrush value converter ]

After you selected the StringToBrush converter, press OK to accept the change and close the Add Value Converter window. After a few seconds, you will see the StringToBrush converter displayed in your Value converter area of your Create Data Binding window:

[ you will see your StringToBrush value converter chosen for this data binding ]

Press the Finish button to accept the changes you made to your data binding and close our Create Data Binding window.

When your Create Data Binding window closes, you will see your Window background automatically change to the hex value displayed by default in your combobox:

[ our background's color is actually responsive to what is displayed in the combobox ]

When you test your application, you will now be able to select any color from your drop-down menu and have that color be set as your window's background:

[ as Borat would say, "Great success!" ]

Great! Your data binding between your combobox and your window's background now works. We are done with what we set out to do, but on the next page, let's take a step back and look at what our value converter code actually does. If you recall, I rushed through that earlier.

Onwards to the next page!

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