UI Virtualization in WPF - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  29 July 2007

In the previous page, you received a brief overview of UI virtualization and how it can help improve performance in certain cases. We started to implement virtualization in a sample application, so let's pick up from where we left off and continue on this page.

  1. Close your Font Previewer application, and let's go back to Blend. Right click on your combobox, and from the menu that appears, go to Edit Other Templates | Edit Layout of Items (ItemsPanel) | Edit a Copy:

[ we want to edit our ItemsPanel ]

  1. Once you have selected the Edit a Copy option, the Create ItemsPanelTemplate Resource window will appear. In the Resource name (Key) field, give your template the name VirtualPanel:

[ let's give our ItemsPanelTemplate resource the name VirtualPanel ]

After naming your resource VirtualPanel press OK to create the new ItemsPanelTemplate resource and to close the Create ItemsPanelTemplate Resource.

  1. Once your Create ItemsPanelTemplate Resource window closes, you will be in the editing mode for your ItemsPanelTemplate. Your Objects and Timeline panel will look like the following image:

[ what you should see in your Objects and Timeline panel ]

Your Artboard will also look like the following image:

[ what your Artboard looks like ]

  1. We are going to replace your StackPanel with a different control. Select your StackPanel and press the Delete key to remove it. Once you have deleted your StackPanel, your Objects and Timeline panel and Artboard will look like the following two images:

[ you no longer see your StackPanel displayed ]

[ you no longer see anything in your Artboard either ]

  1. Let's fill the void left by our missing StackPanel. From your Toolbox, find the Asset Library icon:

[ find the Asset Library icon ]

Once you have found the Asset Library icon, click on it to display your Asset Library window:

[ the Asset Library window will appear after you have clicked on your Asset Library icon ]

  1. From your Asset Library window, find the VirtualizedStackPanel by searching for it from the search field found on the top-left corner:

[ use the search field to quickly find what you are looking for ]

Once you have found the VirtualizingStackPanel control, select it with your mouse. Once you have selected that control, your Asset Library window will disappear with your VirtualizingStackPanel appearing in your Toolbox:

[ after selecting a control from your Asset Library, it will appear in your Toolbox itself ]

  1. Double click on the VirtualizingStackPanel from your Toolbox to insert it in your Artboard. Once you have double clicked on your VirtualizingStackPanel control, your VirtualizingStackPanel will appear in its default size and location in your Artboard.
    Your Objects and Timeline panel and Artboard will look like the following images:

[ your StackPanel from earlier has now been replaced with a VirtualizingStackPanel ]

[ looks can be deceiving, for behind the scenes lurks a VirtualizingStackPanel ]

  1. That's all there is to improving your combobox's performance. Press F5 to test your application again. This time, when you click on your font drop-down menu, notice that your fonts display almost instantaneously without any delay.

Great! You've improved the performance of your application by simply swapping out one layout control (StackPanel) with a different control (VirtualizingStackPanel). Let's now look at the details of why you did the things you did on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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