Event Handlers in WPF - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  1 March 2007

In the previous page you learned how to add an event handler using nothing but code. Now that you have an idea of how to add event handlers, let's look at the two arguments they take in greater detail.

The Event Handler's Arguments
Like I mentioned earlier, the event handler takes in two arguments - a sender and an event. In many cases, you really don't have to know much about them. For example, in the code from earlier reproduced below, I am not even using either sender or e in my method's body:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

But, you will run into cases where you want to do more than just have one control bound to an event handler. When dealing with many interactive controls created using code, you'll find that knowing more about the sender and event can be helpful.

The Sender
If you want know exactly which control triggered the event, you will need to modify the sender object. The problem, though, is that your controls are of types like Button, Text Field, Checkbox, etc. The argument is of type object. Unfortunately, you cannot simply type in Button foo = sender.

What you need to do is typecast the object into the type of the control that called it. The following code shows an example of how I access the sender Button:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = (Button) sender;

Notice that I create a new Button object called clickedButton that casts my sender object as a Button also. This allows me to access my button's properties just as if I were manipulating my button directly by name.

When casting, you should make sure that you are actually allowed to cast to that object. For example, I cannot cast my sender object as Checkbox even though both it and a Button can be based on an object. Despite us not knowing what the object type for sender really refers to, internally, WPF has a good idea :P

If you do try to cast something to a type that it cannot be cast to, you will receive an InvalidCastException:

[ I receive an InvalidCastException when tricking a checkbox to behave like a button ]

If you are in a situation where you don't know what the type of the control you clicked on is, you can use the GetType property to find out:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Now that you have a good idea of how to access the sending object, let me touch back on a topic that I left incomplete earlier. Earlier, I mentioned that the above approach is just as good as if I were "manipulating my button directly by name." The question is, why am I not directly manipulating the button?

The reason is that, when you have many controls such as an array of Buttons that map to the same event handler, you cannot easily explicitly access each button individually. For example, check out the following mini-application that draws many styled buttons and allows you to interact with them individually:

[ a small demo that shows why code-based event handling is often needed ] 

Click here to run the WPF demo and view/download the source code for the above application.

In the above application, when you click on a button, the button's name is displayed a as a message box. Because I am creating each button dynamically using code, I have to cast the sender object in my event handler so that I can know which button has been rolled over.

Note - Determining the Object without Using Sender

In this section, I explained how to use the sender object to determine what object is passed in. You are not limited to using just the sender though. You can actually use your event e itself to cast the source of the event into what you want:

Button clickedButton = e.Source as Button;

The reason I did not explain the above code in this section because it logically makes more sense to have two arguments standing for two different things - the object and the event

We are almost done with this article! On the next page page I will wrap things up and discuss what the event argument can help you to do.

Onwards to the next page!

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